Lillypost Review September 2021

Lillypost is a monthly book subscription box that sends children’s books to your door! Each month, tiny fingers will discover carefully curated books, a note, and stickers for fun! They kindly sent us this box for review.

Lillypost is a must-have subscription for anyone with children at home. I can’t even tell you how much we enjoy our Lillyppst boxes. Steven and I read books at least once a day. He loves going to his bookshelf, picking out a book and flipping through the pages. Just to see how excited he gets when new books arrive makes our Lillypost subscription that much more valuable.

Subscription Details
Lillypost was founded on the idea that reading is fundamental to the development of every child. The love of books and learning starts early in life and what better way to ignite that love, than a child receiving an entirely new set of books every month? Discover books for the special little one in your life from newborn to 7 years old at up to 70% off retail price!
What You Get: Each box includes 4 board books or 3 picture books (or a mix of both!) to engage and entertain.
Lillypost Gives Back – For every box that is purchased, Lillypost will donate one book to a child in need through various charities.
Here’s a peek at the books I received in the Lillypost Board Book Box for September…
An adorable little story about Bear and his first year experiencing leaves. I was thrilled to see this in the box because I love seasonal books. It will be perfect for our Fall book nook.
First Animal Facts – Oceans
This first book of ocean animals is packed with fun facts and beautiful color illustrations to entertain you and your child with every read.
We received a book similar to this in a previous box but I believe it focused on forest animals. I love books like this because they are educational and fun to read. I get just as much out of these ones as Steven does.
Let’s Go Ted
Let’s Go Ted! “Terrific” says Ted. “Wooo Wooo Wooooo!” Where will Ted’s imagination take him today? Lift the flaps to find out!
This will be our third Ted book and I love that we are slowly creating a little collection. Our first one was “Go To Bed Ted” and Steven really enjoys it. The flaps are the perfect size for his tiny fingers, and the illustrations are so cute.
The Mystery of the Missing Cheese
Someone has stollen all the cheese in Whisker Town. Will Supersqueak be able to find the cheese and save the day?
This is the only book from our September delivery that I’m not crazy about but I have a feeling it will be one of Steven’s favourites once he is a little older.

Lillypost Review September 2021 – Final Thoughts
I’m very happy with our September Lillypost box as it brought with it an adorable Fall themed book as well as a couple that will build on current collections. The Ted book being one of those. I find so much value in this subscription and it is so reasonably priced. It allowed me to start reading with Steven at a really young age and to see his love for books grow each and every day makes this Mama SO darn happy!
-AYOB Sarah