Little Life Box Review February 2018

Little Life Box is a Canadian subscription box that gives you the opportunity to sample and experience new green, organic and health conscious products in a convenient and fun way that saves you money. Little Life Box kindly sent us this box to review.

Normally I’m not a fan of sample-size products but when it comes to health food items or supplements I actually prefer sample sizes. I’m pretty picky when it comes to health-conscious products and I really like to be able to test these kind of items out before committing to the full-size version. This is where Little Life Box comes in. This box provides me with a great selection of sample-size health products each month. It allows me to test out new product and discover new brands.

Subscription Details
Canadian Subscriptions:
- Choose from either the Original Box or the Vegan Box
- Month to Month, 3-Month or 6-Month subscriptions
- Shipping is $5 per box
US Subscriptions
- Quarterly Subscription = $25 per box
- Annual Subscription = $90 (4 boxes pre-paid)
- Trial Box = $27 (one time purchase)
Here’s a closer look at the items we received in the February box……

Alkaline Water – Flow
Naturally alkaline spring water (pH 8.1), Organic flavours, Pure taste, Eco-friendly pack, No sugar, no juice, no calories, no preservatives and no GMOs.
Seeing as I am slightly obsessed with health products I’ve spent some time researching the benefits of alkaline water in the past. Anytime I have to purchase a bottle of water from the store I will always opt for alkaline water as opposed to regular water. It’s said that alkaline water is a powerful antioxidant, it balances your ph levels, promotes better hydration and detoxes the body…….just to name a few.

Almonds – Sample – Handfuel
Handfuel’s Spanish Marcona is nicknamed “The Queen of Almonds”. Rich in natural oils, Marcona almonds have a sweet, smooth & unique flavour.
I always have single-serving size bags of nuts and seeds in the pantry. This is my go-to healthy snack when I get hungry between meals.

Bites – Tutti Gourmet
These are a nutrient-dense fruit cracker using bananas, organic coconut and organic sesame seeds. They are carefully dried at a low temperature, creating a concentration of flavours. The result is a perfectly thin and crispy texture.
Yes! These arrived at the perfect time. I’m really making an effort to cut sugar out of my diet….again. It’s really hard to find sugar-free snacks and treats. I’m limited to things like fruit, nuts and vegetables. But, these little goodies are made with only a few ingredients, have no added sugar, and are free from nuts. As much as I love snacking on nuts I like to have other snacking options.

Probiotic Bar – Welo
A bar with probiotics that’s vegan and gluten free and tastes like peanut butter and chocoalte? Hell yeah!
Oh……this is exciting! I’ve never heard of this brand before and I love discovering new snack bars. I’m a snack bar fiend. I could live on snack bars, really I could. This one sounds really yummy and it contains probiotics. I’m intrigued.

Silicone Makeup Sponge – LaRitzy
Blend like a pro with this easy-to-clean gel sponge. Dispense makeup or skincare onto the sponge then dab onto the face. Blend outward in circular motions.
Little Life Box has been killing it with the makeup products as of late. We have been receiving some really great items from LaRitzy and this month is no exception. These gel sponges are all the rage right now. They allow you to apply foundation without wasting even the tiniest little bit.

Snack Bar – Chocolate Peanut Butter – Clif Bar
An energy bar made with nutritious & organic ingredients.
Ummm…..a Clif Bar filled with nut butter? Are you kidding me? I feel like Clif Bar is constantly coming out with fun new flavours. I feel like this will be a healthy version of the peanut butter cup…..which just happens to be a personal favorite.

Sunscreen – Sample – Goddess Garden
Research has proven that sunscreen should be worn all year round, but not all sunscreen is good for your skin. This formula is all natural, so you don’t have to worry! Might as well use it as your daily moisturizer.
Goddess Garden is my go-to brand for sunscreen. I actually discovered this brand thanks to my subscription boxes and that was at least 3 years ago. I’ve been a fan ever since and am always happy to see it in any of my boxes.

Pure Heart Essentials Soap Scrub
This soap is 100% natural, free of parabens, no phthalates, no sulfates, no artificial scents, no artificial colours, no dyes, no petrochemicals.
These little soap cubes smell AH-MAZING. I could smell them as soon as I opened the box. I received lemongrass but it also comes in lavender and eucalyptus.

Little Life Box Review February 2018 – Final Thoughts
I have been so beyond impressed with my Little Life Boxes as of late. I have always loved this box, and always will, but the last few boxes have been exceptionally wonderful. I love the quality beauty products we have been receiving and really hope they keep this up. In fact, I would almost like to see a couple makeup products in each box. But then again, I really love all the other items we receive and wouldn’t want to receive any less snacks, supplements or bath type items. We also received a magazine this month, which was a nice little addition to the box. I wonder if this was a one-time occurrence or if we can expect to see something like this again? Little Life Box is a really great discovery box. I always end up learning about a new product or a new brand and that is something I appreciate.
Little Life Box
Little Life Box is a subscription box that includes 8-12 new healthy beauty, skincare, snacks & wellness items to discover every season.