Loti Wellness Box Review April 2022

My favorite self-care oriented box has arrived, and it makes me want to celebrate. I am in full Spring mode, trying to take even more care of myself, my family, my house, and more especially, my mental health. I have started a meditation program and went back to yoga a few days ago. I can already feel a few benefits. Meditation, staying in the present moment, I find it hard, but I know I must be patient with myself, and trust the process. The Loti Wellness Box theme this month focuses on patience. That will be useful!

Here is some information about Loti Wellness Box… It is a Canadian subscription box that has been around for over 2 years. It offers practical skills and products to reduce stress and anxiety and improve your overall well-being. I can vouch for that box as it truly helps me in this trying time that is the pandemic.
Every box contains 5 to 7 quality wellness and lifestyle products to remind you to take time for self-care. There are even bonuses sometimes. With the products, there is a workbook, created by Loti, filled with therapeutic activities, and information related to the theme.

Subscription Details
Here are the different options to subscribe:
- Month-to-Month – pay one box at a time with no commitment: $55.95 monthly
- 6-Months commitment: Billed monthly at 49.95 per box
- 12-Months commitment: Billed monthly at 46.95 per box
To any of these options, add $8.99 for shipping for Canada and the contiguous US (the prices shown are in Canadian dollars). Most boxes are worth over $100 (this month’s box has a value of $114). If you get hooked like I am, I recommend the 6 or 12-months option since you save up to 16% per box.

Every Loti Wellness Box comes with a brochure detailing the products. There is a lot of information like the websites, prices, and even promo codes for specific items. On top of the brochure, there is also the month’s theme, which is “Have Patience” this month.
*Loti Wellness kindly sent me this box for review.
Facial Cupping Set from Province Apothecary
This is the most intriguing item I have seen for a while. It is not something I would buy, first because I did not know it existed and if I happened to see it, I would probably have been too insecure to buy it. Getting it from a subscription box makes it a nice surprise and kind of forces me to try it. I did test it a few days before my review to see how it works. Fortunately for me, Province Apothecary posted a video on YouTube that explains step by step how to use the cups. It is easier than I thought it would be. There is a 3-4-minute routine to learn, and it is recommended to do it once a day to maximize results. Just for the relaxing effect, it is worth the wait for the long-term benefits (smoothes wrinkles and revitalizes the look of skin).

Shampoo Bar from BIBO
“The intense moisturizing qualities of the natural fatty acids found in kokum butter and argan butter restore that natural shine and glow to your hair, while strengthening hair follicles and promoting growth. This 100% natural, all-star shampoo is perfect for all hair types, with rockstar ingredients like pineapple extract, dragon’s blood extract and hydrolyzed rice protein that leaves hair luscious, thick and full of volume.”

Conditioner Bar from BIBO
“Our jasmine butter, sunflower and orange peel botanical extract bar infuses your hair with nourishing vitamins and oils that radically moisturize and repair, while also adding shine, thickness and radiance. All of our ingredients are non-toxic, so your hair won’t be stripped of any natural nutrients.”
Bibo is a Canadian company that specializes in shampoo and conditioner bars. They also have a few other skin care products created in the same ecofriendly mindset; less plastic is best. They even use a particular packaging that looks like plastic but is biodegradable in water. That is an excellent idea. I received their shampoo bar and conditioner bar made for all hair types. They both smell divine. I am currently using similar products for my hair and love it. Natural, ecologic, vegan, organic, and from a Canadian company. Excellent choice for this box.
Bath Bomb from Naturally Vain
Bath bombs are a classic. A bath filled with bubbles, nice colors and a lovely smell, that could be perfect for a bath meditation where all the senses are required. The Dragonfly bath bomb has a nice aroma but is also special in terms of color choice. The blue green is vibrant and shiny. The effect in the water must be very nice. My family and I tried a lot of bath bombs from Naturally Vain and loved them all. I am always happy to receive one of their products.

Twisted Headband a Collaboration from Omash and Loti
Isn’t it the loveliest color for a headband? So far, Loti made an excellent choice when collaborating with another company in the past and did another amazing job with Omash. The cotton of this headband is a quality one, the design simple and elegant and as I said, the color beautiful. It is also comfortable. I will wear this headband to my office this week for sure. Bonus for me, it will compliment my green eyes.
Sensitive Sweetheart Deodorant from Iluvit Naturally
This deodorant smells so nice I almost wish I could eat it. The design of I Luv It would also make me pick this one on a store shelf. I do not know how I feel about smelling so delicious though. The smell is a bit strong, but maybe once it is worn for a few minutes, it is not as strong. I will test on week-end day at first to see if the people around me notice it.
Something important to note on that natural deodorant, the formula for sensitive skin is baking soda free. From what I have read, this ingredient tends to be the cause of most irritation cases for people with sensitive skin. Team sensitive skin here, so I appreciate the choice Loti made with this one.
Loti Activity – Have Patience Mini-Workbook
There is so much to learn every month with these workbooks. I am amazed every time I read a new one (and I have been receiving Loti’s box for over two years). Everyone will relate with this month’s theme. Patience or in my case, impatience, as Loti says, is a virtue, an important one, and even if patience is not your forte, you can work on it. I loved the more informative part as well as the exercises like the reflections on when impatience strikes. Something I had not seen since a few boxes was the guided meditation at the end. They make an excellent exercise to work on staying in the present moment (something I am trying really hard to do).

Loti Wellness Box April 2022 Review – Final Thoughts
I loved the vibe of the April Loti Wellness Box. It felt special, different and even got me out of my comfort zone. The facial cupping set was the item that surprised me the most. They are already a staple in my nighttime skin care routine. The headband was also a favorite. Excellent choice of color and great quality. The set of shampoo and conditioner bars from Bibo were also a good idea. It gives a better idea of what a washing routine with Bibo’s products feels like. I like all six products and the workbook about patience was the icing on the cake. It was interesting and made me realize many things about myself. I know I am not the most patient person in the world, but doing the activities got me to reflect on this and go deeper. With Loti there is so much more than the physical aspect of self-care, it goes a lot deeper than that and it is what I like about this subscription box.
Jacynthe Létourneau – https://www.instagram.com/miss_minamie/