Loti Wellness Box Review December 2021

What better way to start a new year than with my favourite self-care subscription box? I received my Loti Wellness Box on my last day of vacation and it was a nice way to ease back into the working routine.

Loti Wellness Box is a Canadian subscription box that begins its third year in the business. It offers practical skills and products to reduce stress and anxiety and improve your overall wellbeing. Every box contains 5 to 7 quality wellness and lifestyle products to remind you to take time for self-care in all aspects of your life. There are even bonuses sometimes (like this month!). With the products, there is a workbook, created by Loti, filled with therapeutic activities, and information related to the theme.

Subscription Details
Here are the different options to subscribe:
- Month-to-Month – pay one box at a time with no commitment: $55.95 monthly
- 6-Months commitment: Billed monthly at 49.95 per box
- 12-Months commitment: Billed monthly at 46.95 per box
To any of these options, add $8.99 for shipping for Canada and the contiguous US (the prices shown are in Canadian dollars). Most boxes are worth over $100 (it is more than $200 this month!). If you get hooked like I am, I recommend the 6 or 12-months option since you save up to 16% per box.

Every Loti Wellness Box comes with a brochure detailing the products. There is a lot of information like the websites, prices, and even promo codes for specific items. On top of the brochure, there is also the month’s theme, which is “Be Courageous” this month.
A big dose of courage, that is exactly what I need now that I am coming back to the harsh reality of this pandemic and working full time from home with two kids in primary school. I will talk about the theme a bit more with the workbook, but now, let us have a closer look at what I received.
*Loti Wellness Box kindly sent me this box for review.

Bar of Soap (Clean Day Rain Water) from Mrs Meyer’s
“This rich and creamy bar soap contains a special formula of almond oil, coconut oil, essential oils and other thoughtfully chosen ingredients that leaves skin feeling clean and fresh. Leave a bar of soap in your bathtub, shower and sink for a head-to-toe clean.”
I have not used a bar of soap to wash my hands for a long time (I have soap dispensers), but I would see this one in my bathroom. The smell is refreshing and would be nice for a quick hand wash. It can be used for a full body wash too, but personally, I do not think this fragrance is the perfect match for me. The clementine one would have been best suited for the shower.

Be Courageous Candle (Crips Air & Winterberry) from Allen Wick and Loti Wellness
Last month, there was also a collaboration between Loti and another business and this month, Loti created a beautiful candle named with the theme: “Be Courageous”. The aroma diffused from this candle is a mix of iced cranberry, red apple, winterberry with jasmine petals, crimson plum and vanilla. I have not lit it yet but love this fragrance. It is the kind of candle you light when you are cozying up in the afternoon, but also while you are working and need to wake your neurons a bit.

Hair Masque from Upfront Cosmetics
Upfront Cosmetics uses only natural ingredients and are specialized in bars of shampoo and conditioner. Their products are sulfates, parabens, and synthetic fragrance free. I received one of their hair masks and I must admit, it is my first time seeing a hair mask in this form. There are three cubes in the bag which makes three hair treatments. You simply add boiling water to the cube, mix, let it rest and apply from the roots to the end of your hair. There is also the rincing part after 5 to 20 minutes of treatment. I will give it a try for sure and hope that one cube will be enough for my extra-long hair. I have tried their shampoo before and loved it, so I have big expectations for that product.

Scentuals Balance Roll-On
Scentuals has 7 different aromatherapy roll-ons with carefully selected essential oils for different purposes. The Balance roll-on as a grounding blend of ylang-ylang, juniper, neroli and a few other oils. It is a pleasant blend and well-chosen for these trying times since it should help reduce nerves, anxiety and stress. I cannot have enough of this kind of product, and I am sure I am not alone.

Pivot: Five Practices to Strategize and Support You Through Change by Pauline Caballero
Here is what we can read on the back cover: “Are you tired of hoping for a new way? Or keeping your fingers crossed that everything is going to stay the same? In this book we are going to play with the ideal and notion that CHANGE ISN’T COMING, IT’S HERE! Over the period of five weeks we will explore the five main distinctions of the PIVOT concept: Perspective, Intuition, Vision, Obstacles, and Tactics. Similar to how we train our muscles through working out, we will train our mind to develop habits that will support us to thrive in our forever changing environments.”
So far, I have read the introduction and first chapter, and I am hooked. I wanted to read only a few pages and the author got me so interested I could not put the book back down. This five week of exploration looks like a good start to this new year. It is tempting to go through this 117-page book quickly, but the author asks for one chapter a week to truly benefit from the new knowledge.

Bonus – 3-Month Yoga Membership + 5-day Digital Program from Pivot Methods
This bonus is quite a gift! Yoga is such a great help to deal with stress and anxiety. It seems, sometimes, hard to approach with the hard poses we can see on Instagram or just by the number of intense practices some do, but it can also be relaxing and done at a slow pace. Poweryoga at home seems to offer a nice variety of practices. The videos are separated in 4 themes: Monthly Challenge & Series, Power Yoga, Deep Flow and Restorative Practices. In each theme, the videos are categorised by teachers.
If you are new to yoga, I would recommend the Yoga Lab category in the Monthly Challenge & Series section. You will get how to’s videos for different poses and transitions. If you go straight to the Power Yoga classes, you might have a hard time following the movements. Deep Flow and Restorative is what my body needs these days, and I will gladly benefit from this free membership.

This double bonus seems to be teamed with the book from Pauline Caballero since she is co-founder of Power Yoga Canada (and Poweryoga at home is linked to it) and on the other side of the card with the free yoga membership, there is also a free 5-day digital program to accompany the book reading. You can subscribe to a mailing list to receive a PDF version of the book and 5 days of guidance. I do not like to write directly in my books, so the PDF version will be perfect to print the pages with writing activities.

Loti Activity – Be Courageous Workbook
The first pages are about different types of courage and categories of fears. It was interesting and helped with the activities. A part that brought the motivation to work on myself to be more courageous is this one “By working on your sense of courage, your “mental toughness” should improve. As a result, you may find that tolerance for stress and anxiety goes up.” I did not know that and if that can help with my stress and anxiety, I will be more than happy.

Loti Wellness Box December 2021 Review – Final Thoughts
Such a beautiful and interesting Loti Wellness Box! My favourite item is the book from Pauline Caballero that is so inspiring. I am not far in yet, but this book hooked me from the first pages. The bonuses were also an excellent idea, and they were linked to one of the items, so that was a perfect fit. The hair masque shaped in cubes was the item that surprised me the most. It also reminded me that I had tried a product from Upfront Cosmetics before and liked them a lot. I would not mind seeing more of their products in future boxes. Also, I loved the creativity put in the making of the scented candle from Loti and Allen Wick Candles. The name and smell match and it makes a reminder to be courageous. This box is an excellent start for 2022.
Jacynthe Létourneau – https://www.instagram.com/miss_minamie/