Sweet Reads Box Review: September 2022

Sweet Reads Box is a monthly subscription service that sends you a new novel, something to eat and drink while you read it, and some fun bookish items tied to the story — think stationery, bath products, candles, and the like. The co. is catching up on this fall’s deliveries after hitting some snags but I’ve got September’s to share today with you. Let’s take a look.*

*They kindly sent us this box for review.

“War is what happens when language fails.”

— Margaret Atwood

Each Sweet Reads Box includes a product card with a quote and an image related to the novel on one side and a guide to the contents on the other. I like to use mine as a bookmark, ‘tho sometimes the box has one of those too.

Note: the Canadian flag indicates a Canadian product.

Sweet Reads generally varies its book selections by genre (i.e. a romcom one month, a thriller the next). For September we’ve got a new historical fiction novel, Acts of Love and War by Maggie Brookes.

“A captivating story of Lucy and her work to aid the people (and especially children) of Spain during the Spanish Civil War. Drawn initially by her affection for brothers Tom and James, who on opposite sides of the conflict show us different interpretations of the conflict.

Acts of Love and War is much more than a war novel, it is a gem of historical fiction with characters that will stay with you long after you read the last page.”

Thrillers, contemporary fiction and romcoms are more up my alley but Sweet Reads has introduced me to many great books I wouldn’t have picked up otherwise so there’s a good chance I’ll enjoy it. And my mom is a historical fiction fan so she’ll want to read it.

September’s box also included a letter from the author and a bookmark.

As for the snacks, I can confirm they’re delish. 😋

Assorted Biscuits (Walkers) “One of the only rations available to the Spanish were cookies from England. We chose these classic cookies to enjoy while reading.”

My box included a pack of shortbread and another of begian chocolate cookies (two cookies in each). So good.

Dark Chocolate & Almond Clusters (Handfuel): The product card said honey almonds (a main crop in Spain) but I got this large bag of dark chocolate and almond clusters — close enough IMHO, if not better. And Handfuel makes great products. This one was not only delicious but also low in sugar, high in fibre and keto-friendly.

Emergency Hot Chocolate (Walton Wood Farm) “Hot chocolate features as sustenance throughout the novel inspiring this emergency version. A warm and sweet treat to warm your body and soul.” 🇨🇦

We have a few packs of hot chocolate we really should finish before starting this one so I haven’t tried it. But I’m still glad to see it and I’m sure we’ll drink it at some point.

Sangria Mix (Gourmet du Village) “A nod to a Spanish favourite. The perfect mix to enjoy on the last days of summer.” 🇨🇦

Sangria isn’t my favourite but I have a few girlfriends who like it so I’ll gift this mix to one of them.

Stationery Set (I’ll Know It When I See It) “A custom designed stationery set to inspire the lost art of letter writing. Like the characters in Acts of Love and War, letter writing was the key form of communication.” 🇨🇦

I love stationery and this set is so well done. Just love the wax seals (stickers!). My favourite item in the box!

Emergency Lantern Valencia Orange Candle (Allenwick Candles) “Capture the intoxicating scents of Spain while you reflect on an era where light was supplied by candle.” 🇨🇦

The only real miss in the box for me, which is too bad ’cause you know I love candles. It’s just too sweet for me. What can you do? Scents are tricky. Maybe unscented candles are the solution?

September’s Sweet Reads Box has all of the makings for some lovely me time, especially for fans of historical fiction. I feel like it could use one more item to round it out for the price, maybe a small luxury like a great bath product or even some Canadian stamps to go with the stationery. But I’m curious to hear what you think!

All monthly Sweet Reads Box deliveries include shipping and ship across Canada and the US.

  • Single box: $89.99 CAD
  • Three-month subscription: $86/month
  • Six-month subscription: $84/month
  • 12-month subscription: $82/month

Have you tried Sweet Reads Box?

Try Small Things – https://trysmallthings.com

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