Postmark’d Studio: Slow & Steady Wins!

Our September Postmark’d Studio PostBox is a letter writers dream! Our theme this month is Snails & Stamps! Each item was carefully curated to keep to the theme, right down to the artsy doodad, stamp inspired washi tape! And if that was not enough, we have included an adorable metal tin with a selection of vintage stamps to make your snail mail even more special!
We all know that excitement we feel when we see a handwritten note peaking through all the other stuff that comes in the mail! Make your friends and family feel special in the month of September when you send them messages snail mail style!
We are still taking orders for the September PostBox through 8.31.18.
Coupon Code: Use the code YOB404ME and you will save 40% off the 1st box when you sign up for a 3-month subscription! – CLICK HERE
At Postmark’d Studio we want to help you make sending noteworthy gestures of kindness commonplace!
-Postmark’d Studio