Postmark’d Studio Spoiler September 2020

September “Just My Type” PostBox
I don’t know about you, but July flew by and now August is slipping away faster than I can imagine. Can you believe it is already time to think about September and come to grips with how “back to school” will look very different for most of us. Whether you teach, you have kids in school, or you are just a fan of the start of cooler, crisp season of fall, September always seems to bring with it a nostalgic feel filled with memories of firsts; new grade level, new shoes, new routines, new lunchbox, etc. This year, why not start the school year off with a new subscription box that will soon become an “old favorite”?
Our September “Just My Type” Postmark’d Studio PostBox is a nostalgic collection of greeting cards that will transport you back to a time when the typewriter was queen!
We have assembled a fun assortment of (4) greeting cards, (1) postcard, vintage postage, and an artsy doodad that ties into this theme so well!

We all need a little comfort in these most surreal and unsettling times; snail mail is a wonderful way to send messages of love and care.
Save $10 when you join our snail mail revolution with a 3-month subscription. Use the code YOB404ME.
-Postmark’d Studio